Thursday, June 12, 2014

A visit from our Washington Family

 Trevor's family came for a quick weekend last month, they live in Auburn, WA so we don't get together as often as we'd like. It was a beautiful weekend, tho, and I remembered to take pictures!

Playing my favorite game, Racko.
Playing Cameron's favorite game--WATER
Caisa lets me do her hair, this is one we call "over the top".
Swinging (this picture rotated for no good reason...)
(...and so did this one) That red hair is a show stopper!  Add that to her friendly, fearless personality and she's so fun to take places!
Helping Grammy make breakfast



A walk by the River on a May afternoon...

We are so blessed to live close to Brett and Jen's family.  We took them for an afternoon walk down by the river.  They're interested in everything, bugs, sticks, rocks, trees, birds...Here are some cute pictures from that day.

And then there was the day we planted our blueberries--everyone helped!  Farfar, Aunt Lori, Jen & Brett and the kids, even the missionaries helped.  We spent so much on blueberries last year we decided we'd plant our own little plot.  Claire had better be around next year when they get going, or we'll never keep them picked!  Last year they took home a freezer full of blueberries, literally!

And the girls even planted the baby--"Steven likes it!"

Bottoms up!

They take their work seriously!
And so they all got planted and this morning we made blueberry pancakes.  If we can keep the birds away we'll be in hog heaven!